ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2
The ASL Starter Kit Expansion Pack #2 includes two new 8" x 22" geomorphic mapboards (k and l) and eight new scenarios set in locales such as China, Burma, Java, and New Guinea.
ASL : Action Pack 9 - To the Bridge
TO THE BRIDGE!, the ninth “action pack” for Advanced Squad Leader, focuses on the 1942 Japanese invasion of Burma and the crushing Allied defeat and retreat to India.
ASL : Module 10 - Croix de Guerre (2nd Edition)
Available to Pre-Order; Estimated Restock Date: Quarter 2 2023; CROIX DE GUERRE brings the French order of battle back into print and adds a brand new campaign, the original 8 scenarios and an extra 22 out-of-print scenarios, as well as mapboards 42 & 43.
ASL : Module 13 - Rising Sun
Special order; Rising Sun is Advanced Squad Leader’s long-awaited return to the jungles, islands, and atolls of the southwest Pacific. with the original ASL modules Code of Bushido and Gung Ho! into one monster package.
ASL : Module 5a - For King and Country Reprint
Available to Pre-Order; Estimated Restock Date: Quarter 2 2023; For King and Country contains the complete Order of Battle for the British along with eight mapboards (not available in any other ASL module) and 20 revised and updated scenarios
ASL : Roma 2020
ASL Roma 2020 is a map and scenario pack for Advanced Squad Leader produced by MMP and the joint efforts of Federazione Italiana Wargame and ASL Italia for the Rome Wargame Gathering in Rome, Italy, October 2020.
ASL : Scenario Pack - Best of Friends
Special Order; The Best Of Friends is a scenario pack for Advanced Squad Leader which has 12 scenarios from the Swedish Friendly Fire ASL Tournament.
ASL : Scenario Pack - Best of Friends 2
Best of Friends 2 follows 2013’s Best of Friends with 12 more scenarios from the Swedish Friendly Fire ASL Tournament and also includes an 8˝ × 22˝ geomorphic mapboard that originally appeared in Friendly Fire Pack 6 and has been repainted here by Charlie Kibler as board 85.
ASL : Scenario Pack - Turning the Tide
Turning The Tide - ASL Scenario Bundle is a package featuring 20 Squad Leader - GI Anvil of Victory scenarios which have been updated to ASL standards.
ASL : Winter Offensive Pack 2 (2011)
Special Order; ASL Winter Offensive 2011 Bonus Pack is a small scenario bundle (three scenarios) with one map which was specifically designed for use with Advanced Squad Leader.
ASL Journal #11
ASL JOURNAL 11 is a 60-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader and features ten articles, the latest Q&A/errata, twenty-five ASL scenarios, and three Squad Bleeder scenarios, all printed on cardstock.
ASL Journal #12
ASL JOURNAL 12 is a 40-page magazine and expansion for Advanced Squad Leader and features nine articles, the latest Q&A/errata, and 12 new scenarios printed on cardstock.
ASL Journal #13
Available to Pre-Order; Estimated Release Date: Summer 2023; The ASL Journal 13 with new scenarios and articles.
ASL Journal #14
Available to Pre-Order; Estimated Release Date: May 2023; ASL Journal 14: Aussie Special Edition is a 56-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader that features articles, scenarios, and a Historical ASL Campaign Game.
ASL Starter Kit 1
The ASL Starter Kit #1 is a stand-alone game, with six scenarios that require only the maps and counters provided in the module.
ASL Starter Kit 3 (Improved Reprint)
Special Order; ASL Starter Kit #3 adds Tanks to the ASL System. Each Starter Kit can be used as a stand-alone complete game or as an expansion to the ASL System.
ASL Starter Kit 4 : Pacific Theater of Operations
ASL Starter Kit Module #4 PTO brings ASLSK to the Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO), and adds the Japanese and the United States Marine Corps to the ASLSK lineup. ASLSK#4 is a self-contained ASL module that gives players the opportunity to start playing Advanced Squad Leader almost immediately.
Axis & Allies & Zombies
In Axis & Allies and Zombies, a new take on the iconic World War II strategy board game, each player takes command of one of the major powers, joining either the Axis or the Allies. Players then fight for victory against the opposing faction and a terrifying new foe: zombies.
Axis and Allies 1940 Pacific 2nd Edition
The year is 1940. Japan continues to flex its military might in China as political tension grips the world. In Europe, France is about to fall, and Asia braces for the impact.
Axis and Allies 1942 (2nd Edition)
Change the Course of History in a Few Short Hours. It is spring, 1942, and the world is at war. This classic strategy game from Avalon Hill has received an update!
Axis and Allies Guadalcanal
Axis & Allies: Guadalcanal challenges 2 players to command fleets of ships, direct aircraft, and deploy ground forces in order to dominate the enemy in one of the crucial campaigns of World War II.
Betrayal Legacy (Pre Order Deposit)
Available to Pre-Order; Estimated Restock Date: Spring 2024; Betrayal Legacy is a semi-cooperative campaign board game that tells an overarching story of the House on the Hill incorporating the actions and choices of the players.
Risk 2210 AD
The world is at war and you are the commander of one of the warring factions.