Lock 'N Load Tactical Battle Generator Revision 2.0
The Lock 'n Load Tactical Battle Generator v2.0 puts the power to create scenarios and engagements into the player's hands, allowing you to get the most out of your games as you go from scenarios we built to charting your own course.
Lock 'N Load Tactical Core Rules Ruleset v5.0
The LnLT version 5.0 (v5.0) rules manual contains the latest set of guidelines and regulations for the game system. The v5.0 rules can be used with any previously published LnLT module.
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Compendium Modern Era - Volume 4
LnLT Compendium Vol. 4 is the second collection of articles and scenarios centered around the modern era. Much of this material is combined from the Line of Fire issues as well as the previously released product Battle Pack Alpha.
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Compendium WW2 - Volume 1
Bound between these two covers is the content of Volume 1 of the Lock ’n Load Tactical Compendium. Volume 1 is theWW2-Era edition, and it collates, in a re-edited and updated format, all of the essential WW2-Era LnLT articles, maps, and scenarios from every issue of Line of Fire magazine, plus some new content.
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Compendium WW2 - Volume 3
LnLT Compendium Vol. 3 is the joining of two previously released products titled Battle Pack Alpha, Battle Pack Bravo with a few new scenarios. We have cleaned up the scenarios, redesigned and updated the maps and put everything into our new LnLT series style.
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Heroes of Normandy
The award-winning, squad-level Lock ’n Load Tactical Series jumps into Western Europe in 1944 with Heroes of Normandy. From the initial D-Day drops, on June 6th, to the fighting in the Norman bocage, and on to Operation Market Garden, this combination of Band of Heroes and its expansion, Swift & Bold, arrives at the battle heavy, with 30 scenarios, over 650 die-cut counters, and the latest v4.1 rules.
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Heroes of Normandy - The Untold Stories Volume 1 (Special Offer)
The Lock 'n Load Tactical series is known for its innovative mechanics, dynamic gameplay and ability to bring history to life. Scenarios often play out like a story with cinematic flashes. To that end, The Untold Stories works in concert with the short-story collection of historical fiction of the same name. Characters in the stories are based on named Heroes and Leaders from Heroes of Normandy, and the scenarios are adapted from the stories, for a bold and unique gaming experience.
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Heroes of the Falklands
Available to Pre-Order; Estimated Restock Date: June 2023; The 13 scenarios Heroes of the Falklands feature the Argentine seizures of Stanley and South Georgia and all of the major land battles, from the British Paras’ costly but morale-boosting assaults on Darwin Hill and Goose Green, to the daring commando raid on Top Malo House, across East Falkland to the climatic battles for the ring of hills around Stanley
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Heroes of the Motherland - X-Maps
X-Maps simply put are larger maps able to be used with our Lock ‘n Load Tactical game series. X-Maps are the same as our standard maps in every way except they are comprised of larger hexes, which contain nearly twice the area of the standard hexes. X-Maps are 11” x 17” in contrast to the 8.25” x 12.75” dimensions of the standard maps.
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Heroes of the Nam - X-Maps
X-Maps are the same as our standard maps in every way except they are comprised of larger hexes, which contain nearly twice the area of the standard hexes. X-Maps are 11” x 17” in contrast to the 8.25” x 12.75” dimensions of the standard maps
Lock 'N Load Tactical: Heroes of the Pacific - X-Maps
X-Maps are the same as our standard maps in every way except they are comprised of larger hexes, which contain nearly twice the area of the standard hexes. X-Maps are 11” x 17” in contrast to the 8.25” x 12.75” dimensions of the standard maps.
Lock ‘n Load Tactical : Heroes of Normandy – 4K X-Maps
4K X-Maps are actually two products in one. X-Maps bring the Lock 'n Load Tactical series games to a grander scale, with a substantially larger plying surface and hexes that are nearly double those of the standard maps.
Lock ‘n Load Tactical : Heroes of Normandy – Battle Generator (Special Offer(
10This generator is based in a point system defined by the size of the battle you want to play and then modified up or down by the variables of the battle. This means that you get to the action fast. The Battle Generator comes with player aid cards with all the forces in the game and the points needed to purchase them. The Battle Generator allows you to play with maps from Heroes of Normandy and if you own Heroes in Definace you can mix those maps as well.
Lock ‘n Load Tactical : Heroes of Normandy – X-Maps
What are the X-Maps you ask? X-Maps simply put are larger maps able to be used with our Lock ‘n Load Tactical game series. X-Maps are the same as our standard maps in every way except they are comprised of larger hexes, which contain nearly twice the area of the standard hexes.
Lockup: A Roll Player Tale
Lockup: A Roll Player Tale is a competitive worker-allocation game set in the Roll Player universe for one to five players. In the game, players manage groups of minions locked up in Kulbak Prison.
Which of the two Jarls of Lofoten will be the most skilful ?
London: The Board Game
This is a game developed with The Museum of London which takes 2-6 players around a timeline of 2000 years of London's history. It starts with the Romans and ends with The Olympics.
Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg
Longstreet Attacks: The Second Day at Gettysburg is a game simulating the fighting on July 2nd, 1863 during the second day of the Battle of Gettysburg and focuses on the southern portion of the battlefield.
Loony Quest
In the drawing game Loony Quest, players study challenging level cards, then try to replicate the outline to meet targets and avoid obstacles on their tracing sheets.
Loot Island
Competitive co-operative treasure map building.
Loot of Lima
Pirates have stolen the Loot of Lima. Deduce where it is buried or die trying.
Lords of Hellas
Enter the Dark Ages of Greece, ruled by mighty Gods wielding advanced technology. Control asymmetronly one per customeric heroes and choose your path to victory, either by strategic control or adventure style monster hunting and quests.
Lords of Hellas: Atlas Overload
Will you help mighty Atlas carry the weight of the world? Or will you steal Golden Apples from the mythical Garden of Hesperides? One expansion, two gameplay additions!
Lords of Hellas: City of Steel
This expansion pack lets you add another player (as Hector, hero of Troy) to Lords of Hellas, expands the map and adds new upgrade mechanic to the game.
Lords of Hellas: Lord of the Sun
The Lord of the Sun expansion for Lords of Hellas consists of Apollo monument (5 parts), 6 muse models, 10 blessing cards from Apollo, 9 muse cards.
Lords of Ragnarok
Lead an asymmetric army as a hero from Norse mythology with a unique sci-fi twist.