Pocket Battle Game #16 Trapping the Ogre
This battlefield saw the Coalition units battling to seize the only practical line of retreat open to the French, and if successful, trapping them for a truly "Napoleonic" style victory in reverse.
Pocket Battle Game #23 The Gold Beach Landings
British troops landing at Gold Beach were tasked to secure a beachhead, capture Arromanches, then move west to link up with the US forces at Omaha, and also east to link up with the Canadian forces at Juno.
Pocket Battle Game #24 The Juno Beach Landings
Tasked to go the farthest inland on D-Day, the Canadians' mission was to cut the Caen-Bayeux road, seize the Carpiquet airport near Caen, and form a link between the two British beaches on either flank.
Pocket General : World War II
Special Order; Pocket General is a strategy game that has a chess like approach to combat units, the strategic depth of conquering the globe and a war game's exciting chances to turn things around with a lucky roll of the dice. And all of it fits in my coat pocket!
Pocket Sub Deluxe
Pocket Sub is the submarine themed game which is highly strategic, quick, yet small enough to fit in your pocket. Players take on roles as cold war submarines engaged in a battle of wits by placing their own and avoiding others' mines on a nautical battle field.
Poland Defiant
Poland Defiant covers the first 10 days of the Polish campaign, September 1st to 10th, 1939.
Poland in Flames
Poland in Flames is an ASL scenario pack focused on the invasion of Poland which started WWII in Europe. There are 45 scenarios which are primarily Germans vs. Poles, with a smattering of Russians vs. Poles, and Slovaks vs Poles.
Police Precinct (Second Edition)
Police Precinct is a cooperative/semi-cooperative game where players are tasked with solving a mysterious murder while simultaneously working to keep crime on the streets under control, and to keep the city from falling into chaos.
Police Precinct: Crooked Lawyers
Crooked Lawyers is a Booster-Pack style Expansion for Police Precinct consisting of Larger Cards (All-new Event Cards -- 14 total) along with Smaller Cards (For two of the Investigation Decks -- 12 total). 26 Cards in all.
Police Precinct: Mad Men
The Mad Men Deck is set of 6 extra event cards (all level 5 or level 6) to be shuffled into the event deck.
Polis (Special Offer)
Polis is a two-player civ-lite game set in the beginning of the conflict between the two major poleis of the 5th century B.C: Athens and the Delian League against Sparta and the Peloponnesian League. The winner will be the Empire with more population and prestige at the end of the game.
Create a lush garden of beautiful blooms in order to attract helpful pollinators!
The frequent tremors, the looming clouds over the crater, and the ever-increasing smell of sulfur make it clear that it is time to escape. Direct your tribe through the waters of the Pacific in search of a new home, safe from the impending eruption of the volcano.
Collect magic keys and use them to open portals to other worlds.
Postcard Games (Set of 4)
4 thematic micro-games you can mail to friends and family. Nightmares, knights, hidden treasure, and cyberwolf fights!
Potion Explosion 2nd Edition
Dear students, it's time for the final exams of the Potions class! The rules are always the same: Take an ingredient marble from the dispenser and watch the others fall. If you connect marbles of the same color, they explode and you can take them, too.
Power Grid Recharged (2nd Edition Core Set)
Power Grid Recharged has all the strategy and fun of the classic first edition, but adds some updates that improve the (already great) gameplay. Buy power stations at auction, purchase the raw materials to fire you stations from a fluctuating market, connect cities to your grid. An incredibly absorbing and tense game - the definitive economic game?
Power Grid: Expansion - China / Korea
Probably the most radical expansion for Power Grid, Korea has two raw material markets and China a planned economy. Both offer a new challenge to fans of PowerGrid.