Haunted West Core Rulebook
Make your West as Weird as you want the way you want (if you want). Plug in magic, the Mythos, steam tech, mad science, dinosaurs, or even aliens and flying saucers. Haunted West gives you the tools you need to make your definition of "Weird West" a reality.
Haven 2nd Edition
In Haven, you and your opponent battle for control of a mystical forest.
Heart: The City Beneath RPG Core Rulebook
Heart: The City Beneath is a tabletop roleplaying game about delving into a nightmare undercity that will give you everything you’ve ever dreamed of – or kill you in the process.
Helios Expanse
A game of Helios Expanse places you in control of an interstellar civilization, competing for galactic supremacy against its rivals.
Hellboy: The Board Game
Hellboy: The Board Game is a co-operative experience in which players face off against some of the comic's most famous foes. The game features pre-assembled plastic miniatures that accurately capture the look and feel the world famous comic series.
Hellton Palace
Place your devilish guests in your hotel rooms and be the last building to collapse.
Here To Slay (Pre Order Deposit)
Available to Pre-Order; Estimated Restock Date: Spring 2024; Here to Slay is a competitive role-playing fantasy strategy card game that's all about assembling a party of Heroes and slaying monsters (and sometimes sabotaging your friends too) from the creators of Unstable Unicorns.
This title is available for Special Order. Traveling and wealth - The perfect combination. However, they have to earned the hard way in this complex fantasy themed game
Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails
Designed, hilariously illustrated and captioned by Jamie Noble Frier, Hero Master: An Epic Game of Epic Fails is a humorous card game of dysfunctional dungeoneering.
Hero Realms
Hero Realms is a fantasy-themed deck-building game that is an adaptation of the award-winning Star Realms game. The game includes basic rules for two-player games, along with rules for multiplayer formats such as Free-For-All, Hunter, and Hydra.
Hero Realms : Dragon Boss Deck
Play as a mighty Dragon and take on an entire group of your friends and their pathetic, puny, mortal characters. Or, if you're up for a real challenge, you and a friend can battle these boss decks against each other!
Hero Realms : Fighter Pack
Character Packs allow you to play Hero Realms as a Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief, or Wizard! Character Packs add a cool new dimension to player vs player games. Each matchup is a unique challenge which will require different strategies.
Hero Realms : Lich Boss Deck
Play as a mighty Lich and take on an entire group of your friends and their pathetic, puny, mortal characters. Or, if you're up for a real challenge, you and a friend can battle these boss decks against each other!
Hero Realms : Ranger Pack
Character Packs allow you to play Hero Realms as a Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief, or Wizard! Character Packs add a cool new dimension to player vs player games. Each matchup is a unique challenge which will require different strategies.
Hero Realms : Wizard Pack
Character Packs allow you to play Hero Realms as a Cleric, Fighter, Ranger, Thief, or Wizard! Character Packs add a cool new dimension to player vs player games. Each matchup is a unique challenge which will require different strategies.
Hero Realms :The Lost Village Campaign Deck
The Lost Village continues the adventure where The Ruin of Thandar left off. It features a full-color Adventure Book, and contains over 100 cards, including 12 oversized Master cards.
Hero Realms :The Ruin Of Thandar Campaign Pack
Choose your character, team up with your friends, and start your adventure! Gain experience points on each mission. Spend your experience points between missions to improve your character with awesome new skill and gear cards.
Hero: Tales of the Tomes
Hero: Tales of the Tomes is a multiplayer card game in which each of the players takes the role of a legendary hero and battles it out until only one is left standing.
Heroes of Land, Air & Sea
Heroes of Land, Air & Sea is a 4X-style board game with miniatures that tells the epic tale of orcs vs. humans, dwarves vs. elves, battling kingdoms, and the individuals who turn the tides of war.
Heroes of Land, Air & Sea - Order And Chaos Expansion
Expands Heroes of Land, Air & Sea to support 5 and 6 players. Features a game board extension, components for the 5th and 6th player and 4 additional factions: the Undead, the Lionkin, the Lizardfolk and the Goblins.
Heroes of Land, Air & Sea - Pestilence Expansion
Expands Heroes of Land, Air & Sea to support 7 players. Features a floating continent, held above the board with clear plastic stands, and a sunken continent, achieved by laying a transparent blue sheet over an existing island.
Heroes of Terrinoth: The Adventure Card Game
Restock due @ 7th-9th December; Heroes of Terrinoth is a cooperative card game of questing and adventure. Heroes of Terrinoth is a reimplementation of Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game.
The classic fantasy board game returns! In the HeroQuest dungeon crawl board game, heroes work together to complete epic quests, find treasures and defeat the forces of evil.